Pivot to Active Wellbeing
Miova have unrivalled experience working with local authorities and system partners to achieve an ‘Active Wellbeing Service’ and our mission is to assist others to make this transformation.
The ‘Pivot to Active Wellbeing’ – the argument has been won – but what does it mean and how do you go about it?
Judging by the many policies and strategies that advocate that physical activity should be central to prevention and rehabilitation plans, it would seem that the argument that physical activity can contribute to improving population health, addressing inequalities and improving people’s health and wellbeing generally has been won.
But what part can the ‘leisure’ sector play and how would you go about transformational change that not only contributes to population health but also helps create a sustainable ‘wellbeing’ service fit for the future?
GM Active (a collaboration of 12 leisure operators across Greater Manchester with 99 facilities and 3500 staff) have been working on this under Andy’s leadership as Chair alongside GM Moving the Active Partnership and have been commissioned by Sport England and the ten GM Local Authorities to consider the ‘how’ and as a result the learnings make for a fascinating read. Facilities operating as community wellbeing hubs; the workforce being trained across every department; managers developed to appreciate Whole System Leadership approaches and learning to listen and understand rather than to ‘sell’ all need to be understood.
Read more here: Pivot to active wellbeing | GM Active
The award winning Prehab4Cancer project is great example of how this type of collaboration can work so well by adopting a co-design approach with GM Cancer. Quite simply, neither party could have created the largest and most successful prehab programme in the world without each other.
Read more here: Prehab4Cancer
Miova have unrivalled experience working with local authorities and system partners to achieve an ‘Active Wellbeing Service’ and our mission is to assist others to make this transformation. In doing so we know we can contribute to creating a national wellbeing service, delivered locally in a Place but valued and supported regionally and nationally to deliver long term outcomes and significant benefits including taking pressure off health and adult and social care services.
This pioneering work has now influenced national policy through the Sport England Future of Public Leisure Report (Dec 2022)