Modern Slavery Statement

Version 1 – updated August 2023


Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires large employers to produce a modern slavery statement for each financial year. Although Miova Ltd would be classified as an Small, Medium Enterprise (SME), we have a role to play in understanding our role in the eradication of modern slavery within our work, our supply chains, and helping to ensure we do not work with companies who may exploit vulnerable workers.

We use the definition of modern slavery as comprising slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking.

Our Structure

Miova Ltd is a private limited company. Company number 14453668

Full details of Miova Ltd can be seen on Companies House:

Miova Ltd is not part of a group structure, and is a single entity.

Our Supply Chains

Miova Ltd’s Founder, Director has discretion and sole-ability to establish new suppliers.

Miova Ltd has a small number of suppliers, who would form our supply chain. These are suppliers of IT equipment, stationary, training resources, accounting software. Many of these are local suppliers who would not be obliged to provide a Modern Slavery Statement. In those instances, in scoping suppliers, Miova Ltd would verbally ask around their assurances for combating modern slavery.

Miova Ltd works with a team of Associates, who are all self-employed individuals. From time to time, Miova Ltd may partner with other companies to carry out a contracted piece of work for a client. These partner companies tend to be SME or sole traders. Similarly, as above, for sole traders/SMEs, we would verbally ask for assurances. With regards to Associates, we would expect them to complete our requirements for raising awareness, outlined below.

Miova Ltd will continually review the supply chain. Miova Ltd will ensure new suppliers – if meeting the government’s requirement on reporting – their Modern Slavery Statement will form Miova’s decision to contract with them or not.

Raising Awareness

A number of Miova Ltd’s clients, are local authorities or arms-lengths-government-bodies. Therefore we assure our employee and Associate team have awareness of modern slavery in all its forms.

To do this, Miova Ltd share with employees and Associates, expecting them to read the guidance and watch the videos:

  • Home Office ‘Modern Slavery Awareness and Victim Identification Guidance’ (link)
  • Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority videos
    • GLAA ‘Modern Slavery – do the right thing’ – video link
    • GLAA top five signs of exploitation – video link